Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday is here so im relaxing with my dear!

Today has been a lazy enjoyable day. I didn't sleep very well last night so I've been a little bit groggy today. But I am still enjoying my day with my hubby and kitty. We are making ribs for dinner tonight they are cooking right now.  We got kind of down today thinking that this is the last full weekend we have together before he leaves for mountain training while i come home for a few weeks in Texas. I'm so thrilled though to spend time with and enjoy the company of my amazing parents, amazing brothers, sisters, and my favorite person who is so dear to my heart, my best friend/nephew Griffin! I'm so excited to spend time with  my family in Texas. I love being here with my husband at our home in California. Though over and over every single day I'm either talking about my family in Texas, or thinking about them, or have a situation that reminds me of the memories with them! I'm so blessed, I wish everybody could feel so loved and treasured, and appreciated in their lifetime.  I know how many times I have messed up and said the wrong thing or been unkind, but those people who I treasure most never have anything but overflowing love for me and hold no grudges! 

Life is Love &  Love is Life.

1 comment:

  1. I love you. Finally found your blog. BTW your blog is jaimiemcgilvray not all you need is love. I just thought you might want to know for when you tell people in the future. It is whatever is in the http. I love you
